I always have a habit of making a list of things I mark for later exploration - which by default tends to be a pretty huge list (just like my Steam library).

This could be a mix of technical things, books I've come across, articles I have bookmarked, showerthoughts I wanted to explore futher etc.

Some of these topics I never get futher time to invest on because I have only so much time outside of my work and family hours, which leads me to eventually dismissing some of those as stupid/crazy ideas, or losing track of what I thought about in the first place.

This is an attempt to address the last bit - ensuring I have a place to make a list of all thing to be explored. Not that I don't do this already. I do it across multiple places in the form of browser bookmarks, Pocket saves, OneNote list and so on.

The problem is, since they are spread across different places it is easier for me to forget about something unless I am constantly thinking about it because it is part of an ongoing work effort OR its something that really sounded cool OR its already trending and serves as a constant reminder any time I am casual browsing the internet.

The solution I have come to is make a section on my website to list down the items I wanted to explore - hopefully at least a little organised, and use it to guide myself on which topics I wanted to pickup next. I am also planning on writing a blog post once I get to the exploration part - just in case if I want to use it at a later point in time, I’ll alredy have a quick summary that would help refresh my memory on the topic.

Eagar to see how this experiment works out for me!